Optics and photonics

Optics and photonics

Equip yourself with the keys to innovation: technical summaries and applications.
Fundamental principles for mastering specific concepts, technologies and materials, complemented by a field-by-field approach to optics-photonics

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Optics and photonics are the sciences of light and electromagnetic radiation, from X-rays to the far infrared. They include the emission and transmission of light, and the formation, processing and detection of optical signals. These sciences are very present in our environment. Like electronics, photonics is an enabling science, making a major contribution to the development of many sectors, including transport, the environment, health, telecommunications, defense, IT and multimedia, materials, instrumentation and control and measurement techniques.
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Physical optics

Light-matter interaction


Materials manufacturing and shaping

Characterization methods and techniques

Luminescent materials

Crystals for lasers, nonlinear optics and quantum optics

Micro- and nano-structured materials

Transparent glass and ceramics

Research and innovation

Microwave optoelectronic components

Light-emitting diodes

Research and innovation


Visualization. Display

Laser-matter interaction


Research and innovation

Metrology and imaging

Laser communication