What is "Techniques de l'Ingénieur"?

Techniques de l’Ingénieur is a comprehensive knowledge database and the ultimate technical and scientific reference.

Constantly updated, in French and English: To maximize utility, updates are published simultaneously in both French and English, ensuring immediate access to the latest information. Consequently, close to 800 new and revised articles are released each year, available in both languages.

To find out more about the "Techniques de l'Ingénieur" brand and the "E.T.I." company, please visit the "about us" page.

Does "Techniques de l'Ingénieur" use artificial intelligence?

Yes, particularly for its translation technology. The translation process is aided by automatic translation tools, supported by AI, specially developed and validated by a team of scientists.
This project is the culmination of several months of collaboration among scientific experts, experienced AI developers, and specialized translators. Such teamwork has made it possible not only to offer the articles in both languages, but also to incorporate updates and innovations suggested by the experts.

Each text, image, equation, and media file has been digitally processed for accessibility and use in both languages. To find out more about the translation process, click here!

How can I obtain information in English?

The contents of the Techniques de l'Ingénieur website are available in French and English. If you have any questions, the FAQ (in French) is available here.

Are there any video tutorials or explanations?

All the tutorials are available in French on this page. Don't hesitate to activate the English subtitles for a better understanding.

I have a legal question about "Techniques de l’Ingénieur".

All legal information can be found on this page. In addition to the legal information, you will find the general terms and conditions of use, the general terms and conditions of sale and the personal data protection policy.

How do I manage my cookies?

You can manage your cookies policy by following this link. This page allows you to manage your cookies on the French and English pages of this site.

What if I have an unanswered question?

If you have another question, you can contact us using this contact page.