Green chemistry

Green chemistry

Implement industrial processes in line with the ecological transition
Synthesis methods to save raw materials, energy and reaction stages; alternative solvents, waste management: the benefits of sustainable chemistry

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Green chemistry, sometimes referred to as sustainable or renewable chemistry, is the application of the principles of ecological transition to the world of chemistry. It is a form of chemistry that takes into account the economic, social and environmental balance of the environment in which it operates.
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Catalytic processes

Research and innovation

Synthesis and production processes

Research and innovation

Membrane separation processes

Analytical methods and instruments

Sustainable electricity production

Energy carriers: hydrogen and m

Energy carriers: biofuels

Research and innovation

Energy storage

Research and innovation
Research and innovation

Solid waste

Liquid and gaseous effluents

CO2 recovery

Methodological approaches and concepts

Biopolymers and biobased materials

Biosourced molecules of interest

Production of biobased compounds