
This article illustrates the use of life-cycle analysis (LCA) in wastewater treatment systems. The regulation on water is briefly recalled notably concerning residual waters, sanitation systems and the conditions for the discharge of urban effluents. The principal technologies implemented in wastewater treatment installations are presented. The stages of the LCA process are also listed: definition of the objectives and of the field of study, inventory, impact analysis and interpretation of results. To conclude, an example of application, based upon the simulation of two different treatment scenarios is provided.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Marie-Noëlle PONS: Doctor of Science, CNRS Research Director, Chemical Engineering Sciences Laboratory – CNRS Nancy University
Mehdi BELHANI: Chemical Engineering Sciences Laboratory – CNRS Nancy University
Jacques BOURGOIS: Docteur-ès-Sciences, Professor, Centre Sciences Information et Technologies pour l'Environnement, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
Estelle DUPUIT: Doctor, Research Engineer, Centre Sciences Information et Technologies pour l'Environnement, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
This dossier illustrates the use of life cycle assessment (LCA)
After an overview of water regulations and a brief presentation of the main technologies used in urban wastewater treatment plants, the steps involved in LCA are summarized. An application example, based on the simulation of two treatment scenarios, is presented and discussed.
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Lifecycle analysis
Council Directive no. 91/271 of May 21, 1991 concerning urban waste water treatment (OJEC no. L. 135/40 of May 30, 1991).
Law no. 92-3 of January 3, 1992 on water (JO of January 4, 1992).
Decree no. 94-469 of June 3, 1994 on the collection and treatment of wastewater mentioned in articles L. 372-1-1 and L. 372-3 of the Code des communes (JO of June 8, 1994).
CML 2001
Eco-indicator 99
Ecopoint 97
GPS-X version 4.0.2 Hydromantis, Hamilton Canada
Standardization International Organization for Standardization
- Management environnemental. Analyse du cycle de vie. Principes et cadre - ISO 14040 - 1997
- Management environnemental. Analyse du cycle de vie. Définition de l'objectif et du champ d'étude et analyse de l'inventaire - ISO 14041 - 1998
- Management environnemental. Analyse du cycle de vie. Évaluation de l'impact du cycle de vie - ISO 14042 - 2000
- Management...
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