The management of polluted sites and soils is regulated by a national policy enforced by the ministry in charge of the environment. This policy was revised in 2007. Various technical tools available for experts enable them to assess the state of media and manage their pollution. Where it is possible to have an influence on uses, a management plan must be implemented. Its aim is to make the site compatible with present or envisaged uses by integrating the specificities of the site and its environment. This article presents the various aspects to be considered within the management Plan: analysis of challenges, mastery of pollution sources and impacts, assessment of costs/advantages, or even the performances of clean-up techniques.
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Stéfan COLOMBANO: BRGM industrial environment and innovative processes department EPI – polluted sites and soils unit – Orléans
On February 8, 2007, the Ministry of the Environment issued new regulations on the prevention of soil pollution and the management of polluted soils in France. Within this framework, a ministerial memorandum specified the management and redevelopment procedures for polluted sites, and in particular the two main types of management situation to be implemented:
the environmental interpretation approach (IEM): this ensures that the state of the environment is compatible with the uses already established, thereby highlighting the situations that allow free use of the environment and those that are likely to pose a problem. The IEM is presented in the article
by J.R. Mossmann;[G 2 562] the management plan (MP): depending on the situation, this enables action to be taken both on the site's condition (through development or decontamination measures) and on the uses, which can be chosen or adapted; the management plan is applied when it is possible to act on the uses (uses are under control).
The Ministry's various texts are available on the website dedicated to polluted sites (see "Find out more", under "Websites"). Appendix 2 of this note, entitled "How to identify a (potentially) polluted site/How to manage a polluted site problem/Methods for managing and redeveloping polluted sites", gives a detailed presentation of the management plan. .
This article deals with the various aspects to be considered in the context of a management plan, namely: analysis of the issues at stake, control of pollution sources, control of impacts, definition of the various management scenarios, cost/benefit balance, performance of remediation techniques, construction measures, management of cut/fill, analysis of residual risks, restrictions on use, monitoring of the effectiveness of management measures. Applied examples are provided for each section, with a complete example at the end of the article.
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BASOL, database of polluted sites and soils requiring action by public authorities:
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- Concrete – Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformityTitle : Concrete – Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity Classification number : P18-325-1 (status: approved standard). - NF EN 206-1 - Avril 2004
- Environmental management systems – Requirements and guidelines for useTitle: Environmental management systems – Requirements and guidelines for its useClass index: X30-200...
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