This article details the container formats used for the storage of digital media content. It describes some 60 audio/still picture/video/multimedia file formats on computer platforms, together with recording formats (on optical discs or magnetic tape). The article presents a short definition, and the specifications of each container format and of its content, along with its uses.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Jean-Noël GOUYET: Digital Media Engineering and Management - Former researcher at the Research Department of the Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (INA)
Professionals and private individuals alike have to handle, store, manage, exchange, produce and distribute digital media "encoded" in various formats, called "essence" formats, and encapsulated in formats called "container formats".
This "Panorama of digital media" dossier, comprising six articles, aims to map and describe these different digital media formats.
The first article
The second article
The third article
This article, the fourth in the series, describes the main container formats for media storage. It details (origin, container and content specifications, uses) some sixty file formats, among the most widely used in the media and audiovisual world, as well as recording formats on optical or magnetic media.
The fifth article
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digital media | audio/image/video/multimedia container format | file format | recording format | storage container format
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Panorama of digital media
Audio file formats
Library of Congress (U.S.A.) – Formats Descriptions
...Standards and norms
The norms and standards are listed in alphabetical order by standards organization, then in numerical order. Some specifications that have become international standards are chargeable (AES, ISO, ISO/IEC, some from ITU, SMPTE) – others are freely accessible: some from ISO [ http://standards.iso.org/ittf/PubliclyAvailableStandards/index.html...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
3GPP (3 rd Generation Partnership Project)
3GPP2 (3 rd Generation Partnership Project 2)
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