A mining risk prevention plan is an operational tool for managing residual risks in mining through rules for urban planning and construction. It is also a prevention tool designed to preserve the safety of persons and prevent damage to constructions, while not impinging unacceptably on local living conditions.
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Gérard GIRIN: Environmental engineer - Member of the Rhône list of qualified investigating commissioners - Secretary of the Company of Investigating Commissioners at the Lyon Administrative Court - Assessor to the Lyon rural leasehold parity tribunal - Honorary Mayor of Sarcey (69) (1977 to 1995)
The establishment of mine risk prevention plans (PPRM) is part of the prevention policy implemented by the State to ensure the safety of people and the protection of property, while enabling territories to develop in a balanced way.
These plans, which are based on current knowledge of risks, are drawn up in consultation with local authorities by the State, which is responsible for implementing them as part of the management of town planning authorizations.
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Mine risk prevention plan
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http://www.brgm.fr BRGM website
http://www.ecologie.gouv.fr French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development website.
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Mining Code, in particular article L. 174-5
Code de l'environnement, in particular articles L. 125-2, L. 562-1 to 9 and R. 125-9 to 27 and R 561 to R 566s
Code de l'urbanisme notably articles L. 151-43, L. 152-7, L. 153-60 and L. 443-2 and R 111-2, R 431-16
Code de la construction et de l'habitation notably article R. 126-1
List of PPRM (non-exhaustive)
Source DREAL Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine
In the Lorraine region, 165 communes are affected by mining hazards and 21 PPRMs have been prescribed for 71 communes:
42 communes in Meurthe-et-Moselle (54) ;
26 communes in Moselle (57) ;
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