1. Technical operating specifications
The regular operation of a classified facility (figure 1 ) depends on compliance with the technical operating specifications laid down by the administrative authority.
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Technical operating specifications
Public service for the dissemination of law. Official Journal news. Access to codes. Documentation service of the General Secretariat of the Government:
Environmental inspection website :
...Standards and norms
- Critères généraux pour le fonctionnement des différents types d'organismes procédant à l'inspection. - NF EN ISO/CEI 17020 - 2012
- Environmental management systems – Requirements and guidelines for use. - ISO 14001 - 2015
- Systèmes de management de la santé et de la sécurité au travail. - ISO 45001 - 2018
French regulations (codes)
Environment Code (legislative and regulatory parts).
Code de l'urbanisme (legislative and regulatory parts).
Public Health Code (legislative and regulatory parts).
Code général des collectivités territoriales (legislative part and regulatory part).
European regulations (non-exhaustive list)
Statistical and economic data
The figures below are taken from the Ministry of Ecology's 2018 balance sheet:
500,000 facilities, of which 25,000 are subject to authorization and 16,000 to registration.
1,312 facilities subject to authorization are classified as Seveso, including 705 with high thresholds and 607 with low thresholds.
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