Mastering measure equipments is still a major cause for concern in order to meet the standard requirements. The priority is now to optimize metrology organisation by first taking care of critical equipments using risks or opportunities analysing tools. These tools enable us to detect metrological and maintenance operations to control the risks. Le quality of laboratories results is assured by this way. This article deals with a risk analysing tool helping identifying critical equipments and all their management steps. It permits to be sure to control the quantified risk level.
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Philippe PETIT: Doctorate in physical systems and metrology - Mining engineer, Douai - Metrology trainer and metrology and accreditation manager Société MC2 – Clermont-Ferrand – France
As part of the process of bringing a quality management system into line with the requirements of the standard ISO 17025 -2017, a laboratory must control all equipment identified as critical. A piece of equipment is considered critical if a metrological error on it has an impact on calibration, analysis or test results.
A piece of equipment is made up of several components: the measurement system (the sensor), the entire information transmission system (cabling, radio transmission, etc.), the indicator (connector + signal processing electronics) and the software (which may or may not be integrated into the indicator) used to communicate the information to the user (software or human).
Guaranteeing control of this equipment means providing confidence in the final information used by the laboratory in its calibration, analysis or testing. This confidence is achieved by ensuring that all equipment is in good working order at the time of use.
Of course, metrological operations are important for guaranteeing measurement results, but maintenance also has a role to play in equipment control.
We must therefore be able to ensure that :
measuring equipment works and gives the expected result;
analysis or test equipment is accurate and maintained;
Intermediate equipment is operational and meets requirements;
non-metrological equipment is available;
computer hardware and associated software perform the tasks assigned to them.
The management of laboratory equipment is therefore the responsibility of :
perform the necessary technical operations to ensure correct operation and measurement (calibration, verification, maintenance, etc.);
know the status of your equipment when you need it (inventory, calibration and maintenance schedule, etc.);
know the history of all work carried out on its equipment (life sheets, non-conformance sheets, etc.);
master the use of its equipment (training, operating instructions, operating modes, etc.).
To reduce the risk of non-compliance, equipment must be used by personnel who have been trained in its use. The effectiveness of this training must be assessed, and the maintenance of skills monitored.
This article defines a technique for controlling your instrumentation to ensure the metrological performance you...
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Laboratory equipment management to ISO 17025 standard
Also in our database
Standards and norms
- Traceability of measurement results – COFRAC policy and evacuation procedures - GEN REF10-rev00 -
- International Vocabulary of Metrology – Basic concepts and related terms - JCGM 200 - 2012
- Exigences générales concernant la compétence des laboratoires d'étalonnages et d'essais - NF EN ISO/IEC 17025 - 12-17
- International Vocabulary of Metrology – Fundamental and general concepts and associated terms...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
International Bureau of Weights and Measures – BIPM https://www.bipm.org
Collège français de métrologie – CFM https://www.cfmetrologie.com
French Accreditation Committee...
Software tools (non-exhaustive list)
SPLIT https://www.implex.fr
Kalibab https://www.dedalus-france.fr
GestQual from JPC Softqual
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