The Health Risk Assessment (HRA) method was developed in the United-States several decades ago, in order to characterize the potential effects of the toxicity of chemicals on the health of exposed populations. It has since then been applied in France as a tool for decision making and environmental and health management in various, often regulatory contexts. This article, after having recalled its principles, shows how this method is integrated within the various assessment processes of a territory in order to prevent health risks generated by local sources of pollution (polluted sites and soils, classified installations and industrialized areas).
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Vincent GRAMMONT: Health Impact and Exposure Unit, Chronic Risks Division, INERIS
Aurélie DROISSART: Health Impact and Exposure Unit, Chronic Risks Division, INERIS
Céline BOUDET: Health Impact and Exposure Unit, Chronic Risks Division, INERIS
The Health Risk Assessment (HRA) method was developed in the USA in the early 1980s to characterize the potential effects of chemical substance toxicity on the health of exposed populations. This method is designed as a decision-making and management tool for the production, use or emission of toxic substances.
This method can be applied according to different approaches ("product", "source" or "territory" approaches) and presents different application frameworks, often regulatory, including :
the European REACH regulation: Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of CHemicals (this is a regulatory obligation, based on the "product" approach);
regulations governing the marketing of phytosanitary or biocidal products (regulatory obligation, according to the "product" approach);
several national substance evaluation programs in the United States, Australia, Canada, etc. (different approaches);
definition of control or management criteria for environmental media (air, water, etc.) and foodstuffs (regulatory obligation, depending on the "product" or "territory" approach);
the health aspect of impact studies for facilities classified for environmental protection (ICPE) (regulatory obligation, "source" approach);
management of polluted sites and soils (regulatory obligation, "source" approach) ;
management of territories ("zones") subject to multiple pollution (no regulatory obligation, "territory" approach).
This article describes applications of the method in France, for managing emissions from industrial facilities (ICPE), polluted sites and soils, and on a territorial scale (area studies).
It shows how RHS can be linked with other methods and tools, depending on the context, and emphasizes the usefulness that can be expected from it, as well as its limitations.
Finally, current developments and prospects for improvement are presented.
Local control environment: environment considered to be unaffected by the activities studied, but located in the same geographical area and whose characteristics (geological, hydrogeological, climatic, etc.) are similar to the environment impacted by the site.
Exposure: contact between an agent (e.g. a substance) and an organism. For a given scenario, it is characterized by route (inhalation, ingestion, skin contact), duration and frequency, and intensity (dose or concentration).
Genotoxic: refers to...
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Health risk assessment for the management of emissions, sites and territories
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Circular of February 8, 2007 on classified facilities – Preventing soil pollution – Managing polluted soil.
Circulaire du 8 février 2007 relative à la prévention de la pollution des sols – Management and redevelopment of polluted sites PDF file.
Circular of February 8, 2007 on polluted sites and soils – Management and redevelopment of polluted sites.
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