
New provisions – regulations, laws, orders, charters, etc. – emanating from the National Council for Ecological Transition (CNTE) have been introduced since 2014 in order to improve the general public’s participation in setting up projects that will have a significant beneficial impact on the environment or urban and rural planning and/or that will have socioeconomic effects. By modernizing the procedures intended to make sure citizens have full access to information, the objective pursued is to ensure that their participation in public decision-making is effective, whether for public or private initiatives, as far upstream as possible, i.e. at the preliminary design stage.
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Gérard GIRIN: Environmental engineer - Member of the national list of guarantors - Member of the Rhône list of qualified investigating commissioners - Secretary of the Company of Investigating Commissioners at the Lyon Administrative Court - Honorary Mayor of SARCEY (69) (1977 to 1995)
Principle 10 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, adopted by the UN Conference on the Environment, states:
"The best way to deal with environmental issues is to ensure the participation of all concerned citizens, at the appropriate level. At the national level, every individual must have appropriate access to environmental information held by public authorities, including information on hazardous substances and activities in their communities, and the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes. States should facilitate and encourage public awareness and participation by making information available to the public. Effective access to judicial and administrative action, including redress and remedy, must be ensured."
Since the early 2000s, the French National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP) has recommended that many project owners organize consultations under the aegis of a guarantor it has appointed, although this notion was officially instituted in article 246 of the so-called "Grenelle II" law of July 12, 2010, which mandates the guarantor to "ensure that the consultation enables the public to present its observations and counter-proposals".
Initially, this function was limited to monitoring the procedure and taking note of its progress, but it has evolved to include ensuring that the procedures for providing information are properly implemented and that the public is effectively involved, while also contributing to the process, right up to the opening of the public inquiry.
The guarantor's independence from the various players, his neutrality with regard to the project, plan or program, his legitimacy linked to his appointment by the CNDP (in the majority of cases), an independent administrative institution, his sense of the general interest and of public service, of which he is an occasional collaborator, make him a trusted external third party active in the concertation process to ensure the impartiality of debates and guarantee the smooth running of participatory procedures, making them effective.
His qualities as an observer and mediator (without being a negotiator or conciliator), his advice and support on the methodology to follow will facilitate the management of tense and conflictual situations he may be confronted with.
A summary of the observations and proposals presented, and any changes to the project resulting from the consultation, will be the subject of a final report or assessment, the aim of which is to inform the project owner in his final decision, to enrich it, make it more credible and legitimate; this assessment will be made public.
For projects, plans or programs subject to consultation...
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Guarantor of consultation in environmental dialogue
- (1) - RICHARD (A.) - Démocratie environnementale : débattre et décider. - Rapport de la Commission spécialisée du Conseil national de la transition écologique sur la démocratisation du dialogue environnemental, MEDDE, 74 p. (2015).
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Role of the CNDP :
Online directory of 254 guarantors published on July 5, 2017 :
Role of the guarantor :
Organizations – Associations – Federations
Commission nationale du débat public (CNDP) :
Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire :
Law no. 95-101 of February 2, 1995 on strengthening environmental protection, known as the "Barnier Law", institutionalizes public participation and creates the National Commission for Public Debate (CNDP).
Constitutional law n° 2005-205 of 1 er March 2005 relating to the environment charter (JORF n° 0051 of March 2, 2005 page...
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