
Any person (moral or individual) who wishes to operate an installation (be it industrial or not) must enquire on their situation regarding the regulation of classified installations. If at least one of the installation they own or operate is subjected to declaration, they must submit a declaration file. Where the project requires a building permit, the declaration file and the building request must be submitted simultaneously. The declaration procedure is quite simple and the case is generally examined within the period of a month. As soon as the file has been completed, the préfet (French representative of administrative authorities) delivers the receipt and provides the declarant with a copy of the general requirements which are applicable to the installation. These requirements define the conditions of installation and operation with which the installation must comply. The delivery of the receipt allows for the beginning of the operation within a three-year delay after which the document is no longer valid. A copy of the declaration receipt and the requirements is sent to the maire (French mayor) which has it then posted in the Town Hall for a period of one month.
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Guillaume MARTINAGE: Engineer - Technical Manager at Convis
Anyone owning or operating a plant, whether industrial or not, must check its administrative status with regard to the ICPE (installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement) listed in the Environment Code before starting up. To do this, they should consult the nomenclature of classified installations established by decree in the Council of State (cf. ). Depending on the severity of the hazards and inconveniences that its operation may present, three cases are possible:
no plant owned or operated is subject to the regulations governing classified installations; the operator must ensure that he is not subject to other specific regulations (such as the law on water) before starting up his plant;
at least one of the facilities is subject to the authorization system; the individual or legal entity owning the facility must then submit an operating authorization application (cf. ) ;
at least one of the facilities it owns or operates is subject to declaration; in this case, it must prepare a declaration file (the subject of this file).
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Classified installations for environmental protection (ICPE)
Also in our database
Editions législatives – Code Permanent Environnement et Nuisances – version April 2008
Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement et de l'Aménagement durables MEDAD : http://installationsclassees.ecologie.gouv.fr/
Chamber of Commerce and Industry : http://www.environnement.ccip.fr/icpe-sites
Standards and norms
- Environmental management systems – Requirements and guidelines for use. - NF EN ISO 14001 - décembre 2004
Law no. 76-663 of July 19, 1976 on facilities classified for environmental protection (JO of July 20, 1976), repealed by order no. 2000-914 of September 18, 2000 (JO of September 21, 2000), codified in articles L. 511-1 et seq. of the Environment Code.
Décret n° 77-1133 du 21 septembre 1977 pris pour l'application de la loi n° 76-663 du 19 juillet 1976 relative aux installations classées pour la protection...
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