5. Special case of installations subject to declaration with periodic inspection
5.1 General case
Decree 2006-678 of June 8, 2006 created a new category of facilities: those subject to declaration with periodic inspection (DC). This decree requires operators to have their facilities inspected every five years, to ensure that they are operating under the conditions required by regulations, and to take any necessary corrective measures.
Using an extract from the ICPE nomenclature with periodic inspection (table ), an example of classification is given in table .
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Special case of installations subject to declaration with periodic inspection
Also in our database
Editions législatives – Code Permanent Environnement et Nuisances – version April 2008
Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement et de l'Aménagement durables MEDAD : http://installationsclassees.ecologie.gouv.fr/
Chamber of Commerce and Industry : http://www.environnement.ccip.fr/icpe-sites
Standards and norms
- Environmental management systems – Requirements and guidelines for use. - NF EN ISO 14001 - décembre 2004
Law no. 76-663 of July 19, 1976 on facilities classified for environmental protection (JO of July 20, 1976), repealed by order no. 2000-914 of September 18, 2000 (JO of September 21, 2000), codified in articles L. 511-1 et seq. of the Environment Code.
Décret n° 77-1133 du 21 septembre 1977 pris pour l'application de la loi n° 76-663 du 19 juillet 1976 relative aux installations classées pour la protection...
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