This article presents the main data related to industrial acoustics. It starts with the quantities allowing for the physical characterization of noise. However, the interest of measuring noise only exists where there is an objective and an effect which can be detrimental to the human body. A physiological study of the noise is thus conducted in order to understand the notions of auditory sensation and discomfort. The measuring instruments used in acoustics are then presented: microphones, sound level meters, dosimeters, exposure meters and intensity meters.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Michael BOCKHOFF: Former engineer at the Centre technique des industries mécaniques (CETIM) in Senlis, France
Jean JACQUES: Engineer at the Institut national de recherches et de sécurité (INRS) in Paris
Thierry LOYAU: Institut national de recherches et de sécurité, Nancy
Léon THIERY: Engineer at the Institut national de recherches et de sécurité in Nancy (France) - This text is the revised version of the article written in 1995 by Claude AZAIS, Jean-Pierre GUILHOT, Pierre JOSSERAND and Michel WILD.
In the first part of this dossier on industrial acoustics, we'll define the acoustic quantities used to characterize noise, and then look at the measuring instruments: microphones, sound level meters, exposure dosimeters and intensity meters.
The second file
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Industrial acoustic measurements. Part 1
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