
The dynamic food supplements market is driven by pursuit of well-being and better living. To comfortably place them on the market, it is of the upmost importance to master their development. Due to the specificity of food supplements, their development face numerous challenges: unclear marketing position between preventive and curative, complex regulatory status, contested performance… In order to ensure efficiency and to be an industry's innovation driver, this article, with concrete examples, gives a better understanding of food supplement development, from the idea to the launch, by addressing, in particular, each and all development stages for an innovative, efficient and compliant food supplement to be placed on the market.
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Mathieu BOUARFA: Master of Business Engineering in Bioproducts - Development Director in the health, beauty and well-being industry - Consultant, Paris, France
Product development is the art of turning "dreams" into reality, from creative idea to product launch. Product development can be broken down into four key phases, each with its own milestones:
development and production,
The competitiveness of companies in the food supplement sector lies in their ability to differentiate themselves from their competitors, in particular through their capacity to innovate. The decision to innovate stems from the need to anticipate or respond to explicit or implicit consumer demand, to improve quality or to acquire new markets. Furthermore, companies must constantly adapt their products to numerous constraints (economic, regulatory, availability of raw materials, packaging, process changes, storage, safety, etc.), leading them to develop a significant R&D activity.
The development of an innovative, effective and compliant dietary supplement is the result of a triptych between marketing, science and regulation, with quality and risk assessment as the backdrop.
There are three scenarios for the development of a food supplement (from the shortest to the longest duration):
turnkey products (private label), when the company wants to have developed, stable formulas available as quickly as possible. These products offer the advantage of rapid market testing. Development is straightforward, and essentially boils down to labeling and operational marketing. The main disadvantages are dependence on a partner and non-differentiation in the absence of an exclusivity agreement;
development without clinical trials, when the company wishes to offer its own customized, innovative (or simply differentiating) and specific formula;
development with a clinically validated claim of its own, when the company wants to market a highly differentiating dietary supplement, and thus gain a valuable competitive edge.
The second scenario, with its detailed stages, is the one discussed in this article, based on a pragmatic approach.
At the end of the article, readers will find a glossary and a table of acronyms.
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Stages in the development of an innovative, effective and compliant food supplement
Anses, Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail (French agency for food, environmental and occupational health and safety)
ANSM, French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products
Salon Vitafoods: held annually in Geneva (Switzerland)
Salon NatExpo: every year in Paris and Lyon
HIE (Health Ingredients Europe): an annual event in Europe
Standards and norms
HACCP method
- Management de la sécurité des denrées alimentaires, 2e édition, 2018 - ISO 22000 - 2018
- Food safety management systems -Recommendations for the application of ISO 22000, 1re edition, 2014 - ISO 22004 - 2014
- Raw materials of natural origin – Vocabulary, 2nd Edition, 2013 - ISO 9235 - 2013
- Food hygiene – French-English glossary - NF V01-002 - décembre 2015
Additional regulations
Regulation (EU) 2018/848 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 30, 2018 on organic production and labelling of organic products, and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007, OJ L 150, 14.6.2018, p. 1–92.
Decree no. 2006-352 of March 20, 2006 on food supplements. JORF n° 72 of March 25, 2006, 4543.
Directive 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament...
, Composition for promoting absorption of vitamin and preventing or treating lipid-related metabolic disease, KR20180105622A, 2018
FAVREAU CHARLOTTE et al, Composition for food supplement, EP3241587 (A1), 2017
Manufacturers – suppliers – distributors
Directory of food supplement professionals
Organizations – federations – associations
Synadiet – Syndicat National des Compléments Alimentaires...
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