Water vapour is used in order to transform thermal energy into mechanical energy. It is currently used notably in electricity production plants: re-superheating cycles and bleeding, combined cycles with gas turbine and vapour turbine, incineration of household waste and biomass boiler. In these applications, the vapour is expanded in a turbine; it is then condensed upon contact with a cold shaft before being reheated and revaporized. This stage of condensation of vapour into liquid is achieved via a condenser. This article mainly focuses on the case of aero condensers which belong to the family of condensers with separate fluids and use the atmospheric air as a cold shaft. The functioning principles, dimensioning methods, installation and operation of such devises are thus detailed.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Renaud FEIDT: Thermal energy engineer polytech Nantes - Assistant Technical Manager, Product Department - GEA Batignolles Technologies Thermiques
A steam power plant (SPP) is an external combustion heat engine operating according to the Rankine thermodynamic cycle. This cycle comprises at least the following stages:
liquid water is pressurized by a pump and sent to a boiler;
water is heated, vaporized and superheated;
the steam expands and cools in the turbine, providing mechanical energy;
the expanded steam is condensed on contact with the cold well, usually under partial vacuum.
In this dossier, we focus on this last stage, and more specifically on the device used to condense steam into liquid, known as the condenser. It's important to remember that a condenser can perform up to three successive operations: steam desuperheating, condensation and liquid subcooling. This applies to both refrigeration machine condensers and VMI condensers.
There are two main types of condenser:
fluid-separated condensers, with no contact between the steam and the refrigerant ;
direct contact condensers, where the steam to be condensed and the refrigerant are mixed.
In the following, we will only deal with air-cooled condensers, which are part of the split-fluid condensers and whose cold sink is atmospheric air.
The air-cooled condenser is sized according to the following main characteristics:
steam flow to be condensed ;
pressure at condenser inlet or turbine exhaust flange;
enthalpy of the steam entering the condenser or steam titre ;
design ambient temperature ;
site elevation;
site constraints.
The installation of an air-cooled condenser is inseparable from a set of auxiliary equipment generally supplied by the manufacturer, such as the vacuum unit, the condensate recovery circuit, and the sheath and manifold (large-diameter sheath located at the top of the bundles) for steam distribution in the bundles.
In order to guide the engineer's choice among atmospheric cooling systems, we present for the air-cooled condenser :
operating principle ;
the state of the art ;
sizing principles ;
advice on installation, commissioning and operation.
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Atmospheric refrigerants
Standards and norms
Main national and international codes
ASME the American Society of Mechanical Engineer. Section VII – Division 1 – Appendix 13.
CODAP Code Français de Construction des Appareils à Pression.
BS (British Standard) English code.
AD-merkblatter German code.
UBC (Uniform Building Code) Code defining the loads to...
European Directives (only applicable to air coolers installed within the European Community)
DM 89/392/EEC – Minimum requirements for the protection of persons
PED 97/23/CE – Pressure Elements Directive – Requirements for pressure vessels in relation to the risk they pose to persons
ATEX 94/9/CE & 99/92/CE – Directives for electrical equipment used...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
GEA Batignolles Technologies Thermiques (France) http://www.btt-nantes.comhttp://www/geagroup.com
Balke Dürr (Germany) http://www.balcke-duerr.de
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