Article | REF: P3355 V2

Microbiological analysis . Microbial environment (air, surfaces, water)

Author: Fabien SQUINAZI

Publication date: March 10, 2017, Review date: April 24, 2023

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7. Glossary

Aérosol microbien; microbial aerosol

Biological agents suspended in a gaseous medium. It may contain several biological contaminants: living micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, yeasts, fungal spores), antigenic microbial fragments, toxins and/or other volatile substances of microbial origin.)

Polymerase Chain Reaction or PCR

A method for identifying micro-organisms by analyzing their genome, based on the amplification, by successive replications, of a target DNA sequence using specific primers. Quantitative analysis (determination of the number of copies of the desired gene in the sample) is possible thanks to real-time quantitative PCR techniques.

ATP Bioluminescence; ATP Bioluminescence Assay

Technique for measuring adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by measuring the...

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