In the agrifood sector, a large number of European regulatory texts have been drafted over the last few years thus allowing for increasing the responsibility of professionals. Indeed, the food sector has considerably evolved in terms of health safety. The set objectives are to facilitate the withdrawal of products from the market, that may be improper for consumption, and therefore guarantee consumers' health. The aim of this article is to present the health control plan (PMS) and more specifically detail the HACCP approach as well as the processes of traceability and product management.
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Karine CANON: Director, Institut Supérieur de l'Alimentation – Training and consulting department, Société Scientifique d'Hygiène Alimentaire (SSHA/ISA)
European food safety regulations have evolved considerably in recent years, increasing the responsibility of all food industry professionals. Several European regulatory texts, including the "food law" and the texts of the hygiene package, have reinforced the obligation of results already present in the new European approach, and have led professionals to rethink and reformulate their food management systems. The objectives set for professionals by the regulations are to guarantee product safety and protect consumer health. It is up to them to determine the means to be put in place to achieve these objectives. Among these means, the sanitary control plan (SCP) appears to be essential, even if it is not explicitly mentioned in European regulations.
The aim of this dossier is to enlighten all players in the agri-food sector on the sanitary control plan (PMS) and, more specifically, the HACCP approach: two tools that will enable them to achieve the objectives set by regulations.
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Sanitary control plan and HACCP
- (1) - - Règlement (CE) n° 178/2002 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 28 janvier 2002 établissant les principes généraux et les prescriptions générales de la législation alimentaire, instituant l'Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments et fixant des procédures relatives à la sécurité des denrées alimentaires (JOCE du 1 er ...
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