1. Plastics in contact with foodstuffs
1.1 Why regulate?
The answer to this question is simple: to ensure consumer safety in a field where innovation is constant.
Food packaging is a sector in which plastics have come to play an important role: dairy and grocery products, meats and fish, and beverages are now routinely packaged in plastic, both as a substitute for and sometimes in combination with more traditional materials.
In addition to their specific qualities, these packages have above all made it easier to distribute foodstuffs (easier transport and lighter weight) and have improved the preservation of their integrity thanks to their barrier effect against micro-organisms, oxygen and external pollutants.
The possibility of foodstuffs coming into...
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Plastics in contact with foodstuffs
The bibliographical references can be consulted on the website https://ec.europa.eu/food/safety/chemical-safety/food-contact-materials_en
Journal officiel de la République française (JO) Paris
Bulletin officiel de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes (BOCCRF) Paris
Bulletin officiel solidarité santé (BOSS) Paris
Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) Brussels
French organizations
Association française d'assurance qualité (AFAQ) http://www.afaq.fr
Association française de normalisation (AFNOR) http://www.afnor.fr
International organizations
Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe (APME) http://www.apme.org
European Plastic Converters (EuPC) http://www.eupc.org
Conseil de l'Europe (CoE) http://www.coe.int
(Non-exhaustive list)
Private laboratories
In addition to the official DGCCRF laboratories responsible for fraud control, or public laboratories such as those of INRA, involved in European research programs, private laboratories, to which public authorities can refer, carry out tests to verify suitability for food contact (analysis, migration or packaging materials/food product compatibility...)....
Main testing standards for organic materials in contact with food or drinking water (Tables and )
Only "materials" standards are included here.
Other "product" standards also exist, such as pipes and fittings for drinking water and cookware.
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