7. Appendix: calculation of thermal stabilization times
This paragraph is based on papers by B. CASSAGNE (University of Nantes) and J.F. HENRY (University of Reims).
7.1 Principle
The problem to be addressed involves the thermal approach to "thermally thin" bodies. This assumes that heat is transferred much more easily by conduction (within the body under consideration) than by convection and radiation to the outside.
During time evolution, the body temperature is considered uniform T (x, y, z, t ) º T (t ).
The criterion used to ensure that a body is thermally thin is the Biot number (Bi ) defined by :
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Appendix: calculation of thermal stabilization times
French standards
Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR): http://www.afnor.fr
- Système ISO de tolérances et d'ajustements - Partie 1 : base des tolérances, écarts et ajustements (identique ISO 286-1). - NF EN 20286-1 - 12.93
- Système ISO de tolérances et d'ajustements - Partie 2 : tables des degrés de tolérance normalisés et des écarts limites des alésages et des arbres (identique ISO 286-2)....
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