
The automotive catalyst allows for treating exhaust gases and eliminating pollutants. A sound understanding of the chemistry involved is necessary in order to improve catalysts and thus meet anti-pollution standards, notably concerning diesel and lean-running engines. The selective reduction of nitrogen oxides by alumina-supported silver is one of the most promising processes. In the laboratory, infrared spectroscopy can detect the chemical species that appear on the catalyst during operation (operando mode) in order to monitor surface reactions and determine the chemical mechanism at work. The evolution of species on the surface is correlated to changes in the concentration of gases at the reactor outlet and the kinetic profiles of the reaction can be detected by sending pulses of reactants on the catalyst. The fastest stages can be detected via step-scan spectroscopy (with a maximum resolution of a few nanoseconds) by using a femtosecond pulsed laser in order to trigger the catalytic reaction.
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Frédéric THIBAULT-STARZYK: Doctor of Chemistry - CNRS Research Director in the Catalysis and Spectrochemistry Laboratory at ENSICAEN-Université de Caen
Automotive catalytic converters treat exhaust gases and eliminate pollutants. Understanding the chemistry involved is a prerequisite for improving catalysts to meet emission standards, particularly for diesel engines and lean-burn engines in general. The selective reduction of nitrogen oxides by silver supported on alumina is one promising process. In the laboratory, infrared spectroscopy can detect the chemical species formed on the catalyst during operation (operando mode), to monitor surface reactions and determine the chemical mechanism at work. The evolution of species on the surface is correlated with changes in gas concentrations at the reactor outlet, and reaction kinetic profiles can be studied by sending pulses of reagent onto the catalyst. The fastest steps can be detected using fast step-scan spectroscopy (with a maximum resolution of a few nanoseconds) using a pulsed femtosecond laser to trigger the catalytic reaction.
Catalytic converters are used to remove dangerous gases in car exhausts. Understanding their chemistry is the key to reach the goals given by modern regulation, especially for Diesel and all lean engines. Selective Catalytic Reduction of nitrogen oxides on silver supported on alumina is one of the major candidate processes. Infrared spectroscopy can detect chemical species formed on the surface of the catalyst under reaction conditions (operando conditions), thus allowing the monitoring of surface reactions and the determination of the chemical mechanism at work. Changes in surface species are correlated with evolutions in the gas phase composition in the reactor exit, and kinetic parameters for the reaction can be studied by using pulses of reactants. The detection of very fast steps needs very fast spectroscopy in step-scan mode (up to 5 ns time resolution) with pulsed femtosecond lasers for triggering the catalytic reaction.
Catalysis, infrared spectroscopy, operando, laser, automotive, catalytic converter
Catalysis, Infrared spectroscopy, operando, laser, car, catalytic converter
Field: Spectroscopic analysis techniques and heterogeneous catalysis
Degree of technology diffusion: Emergence | Growth | Maturity
Technologies involved: Infrared spectroscopy
Applications: Catalysis, Automotive
Main French players :
Competitive clusters: MOV'EO
Competence centers:...
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Characterizing the chemical mechanisms of automotive catalysts
Laboratoire Catalyse et Spectrochimie, the French specialist in catalytic infrared spectroscopy http://www-lcs.ensicaen.fr
AABSPEC, manufacturer of operando cells http://www.aabspec.com/
Diesel engine emission standards worldwide...
International Congress on Operando Spectroscopy, every three years https://indico.psi.ch/event/8358/
Spectrocat, every two or three years in Caen. Thematic training school on vibrational spectroscopy in catalysis: http://www-lcs.ensicaen.fr
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