7. Tension over materials and consequences for university education in Europe
Energy considerations should always begin with elements of frugality. In this respect, we could learn a lot from developing countries, and it would undoubtedly be beneficial to encourage gap years in our curricula to send our students to these countries.
As for the resources we lack - and there are many - we obviously need to strengthen trade with producer countries, with which we maintain stable relations:
Canada, for nickel, copper, platinum, palladium and gold;
Finland, Greece and Australia for nickel, cobalt, copper and zinc;
Cuba and Guatemala, for nickel.
Southern Africa, known as "Africa of the mines", possesses considerable resources (nickel, cobalt, copper, zinc, vanadium, platinum, gold, diamonds, manganese,...
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Tension over materials and consequences for university education in Europe
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
SF2M: French Society of Metallurgy and Materials https://sf2m.fr/
CNH: National Hydrogen Council https://www.conseil-national-industrie.gouv.fr/cni-action/des-actions-transverses/conseil-national-de-l-hydrogene
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