8. Pioneering Sino-Western cooperation in hydrogen education
Since the 2010s, a number of international cooperative higher education institutions have been set up, particularly between China and Europe.
The Sino-European Institute ICARE (Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy), created in 2012 and located at Huazong University of Science and Technology (HUST), in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on the Yangtze River, delivers a Chinese master's degree and a French master's degree (Mines-Paris, then PSL from 2018) in renewable energies to Chinese and international students, very strictly selected at the end of their bachelor's degree. ICARE is the first cooperation project between the Chinese government and the European Commission in the field of renewable energy education, and is considered a model of Sino-European cooperation in higher education. It is a flagship project not only for the Chinese Ministries...
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Pioneering Sino-Western cooperation in hydrogen education
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
SF2M: French Society of Metallurgy and Materials https://sf2m.fr/
CNH: National Hydrogen Council https://www.conseil-national-industrie.gouv.fr/cni-action/des-actions-transverses/conseil-national-de-l-hydrogene
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