1. A little philosophy
In philosophy, Rabelais reminded us that "science without conscience is but the ruin of the soul". If we want to transpose this beautiful maxim to today's technology, all we have to do is replace ruin of the soul with ruin tout court. Perhaps that's why the ever-pragmatic Anglo-Saxons prefer to use the word "philosophy", whereas the ever-theoretical French would rather say "politique". And when it comes to corrosion, this philosophy is always that of the "owner", i.e. the person who sees his or her "assets" or "profits" progressively nibbled away by corrosion, if not totally wiped out. It's also worth noting that the English words "owner", "assets" or "profits" have none of the heavy connotations of their French counterparts, just as the famous "accounting logic" has only become a dirty word in France...
In the same way, it would never occur to anyone to name a...
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A little philosophy
Since the previous edition of this article in 1994, the widespread use of PCs and the Internet has completely changed the way bibliography is used, and consequently the works available. Some of the works cited in the previous edition have been republished and partly updated. On the other hand, others are no longer available on the market, and although they are still of interest, they have been withdrawn from the list....
Databases, CD Rom, etc.
See the detailed list of publications on the European Corrosion Federation website http://www.efcweb.org .
Interactive guides
AUDISIO (S.). – The Multimedia Book of Corrosion. Version II. INSAvalor (2003). This tool is undoubtedly a little expensive to buy, but its size (650 MB) and structure allow...
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