As with many areas, the foundry industry has experienced and continues to experience major changes. Engineering is therefore compelled to adapt. This article focuses on all the technical and administrative aspects of an engineering project. On one hand, the establishment of the foundry, as well as the consideration of buildings, calculation of production needs and the services in connection with production are also detailed. On the other hand, a method to tackle an engineering project is set out: the different facilities and production start-ups are evoked, and the environment and sustainable development in the foundry industry are clearly explained.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Denis ROUSIERE: Engineer from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) and the École Supérieure de Fonderie (ESF) - Former Foundry Technical Manager - Former International Engineering Project Manager - Honorary Professor at the École Supérieure de Fonderie et de Forge
Casting is a field that continues to undergo major changes, strongly impacting engineering through new modes of design and shaping.
The project for setting up a foundry is dealt with here in its entirety, covering both administrative and technical aspects. The approach is progressive and each stage is carefully addressed: choice of site, calculation of production requirements and equipment specifications, starting with those for the mold, the strategic center of the foundry. Specifications must be precise and exhaustive, covering specific machinery, transport equipment, distribution and storage, so as to avoid any misunderstandings with suppliers. For optimum plant start-up, it is advisable to involve maintenance personnel and to plan training periods for operating staff. A ramp-up period will enable you to check that your requirements are fully in line with your planned capacities.
Committing to an environmental approach is not easy in this sector, and the crucial issues remain the fight against soil, water, air and noise pollution. Clearly, taking these issues into account in any new engineering project has far-reaching consequences.
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Foundry engineering
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Table 1 – Foundry waste nomenclature
- Déchets provenant de procédés thermiques. - 10 -
- Déchets de fonderie de métaux ferreux. - 10 09 -
- Laitiers de four de fonderie. - 10 09 03 -
- Noyaux et moules de fonderie n'ayant pas subi la coulée contenant des substances dangereuses. - 10 09 05* -
- Noyaux et moules de fonderie n'ayant pas subi la coulée autres que ceux...
Junker (Germany)
Casting (light alloys)
Gauss (Representation in France)
- ...
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