
This article presents some representative feedback on the use of non-hazardous waste incineration bottom ash as a source of alternative materials in road infrastructures. It relates to the laying of road bedding in the construction of the A 150 highway in Normandy, France. The first part concerns the installation for recycling bottom ash from the incineration plant at Le Havre, and the environmental approval of the resulting products. The second part concerns the transport and use of the recycled granulates, the geotechnical and environmental follow-up, and the work inspection.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Pierre ROSSI: PhD in geology – Geotechnical manager, – Grands travaux de Terrassement (Razel)
Ludovic GAVOIS: Director of the Geotechnical Department, Vinci Construction – Terrassement
Guy RAOUL: Engineer from the École spéciale des Travaux publics - Former Director of GTM Construction - Currently Chairman of the French Earthworks Standardization Committee
Non-hazardous waste incineration bottom ash (NHWI) is the solid residue resulting from the combustion of the unsorted fraction of household waste in incineration plant furnaces (grate, roller or oscillating furnaces). This fraction collected by the public service is generally mixed to a greater or lesser extent with commercial waste.
Annual bottom ash production in France can be estimated at around 3 million tonnes, representing between 20 and 25% by gross weight of incinerated waste.
Bottom ash is mainly used in road-building techniques in certain parts of structures.
The previous article
The feedback presented in this article clearly illustrates the process from the incineration plant to the bottom ash storage and treatment facility, for the manufacture of the products to be used on site.
In the last paragraph, readers will find a table summarizing the acronyms and abbreviations used in this article.
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Non-hazardous waste incineration bottom ash
Technical guides
- Exécution des terrassements. Classification des matériaux utilisables dans la construction des remblais et des couches de forme d'infrastructure routière. - NF P 11-300 - Septembre 1992
- Soils: reconnaissance and testing – Determining the water content by weight of materials – Part 1: microwave drying method. - NF P 94-049 - Février 1996
- Soils: reconnaissance and testing – Determining the water content by weight of...
OFRIR – Website of the French Observatory on Transport Infrastructure Resources
Ministerial decree of November 18, 2011: on the recycling of bottom ash from non-hazardous waste incineration for road applications.
NOR: DEVP1131516A Consolidated version as of July 22, 2015
Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing,
Having regard to Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19...
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