Article | REF: E3457 V2

EMC and SI modelling methodology of mixed PCB

Authors: Blaise RAVELO, Sébastien LALLÉCHÈRE

Publication date: June 10, 2024

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The PCBs are designed with increased complexity which causes EMC and signal integrity (SI) effects. To overcome such effects, simulation and modelling methodology must be developed. The EMC method depends on the elaboration of PCB equivalent circuits performed during the design phase. The present article develops a simulation and modelling methodology of mixed circuit inspired from a PCB. The simulation approach deals with the conducted EMC and SI. Conducted EMC emission and susceptibility are investigated. The last section of the article introduces a marginal study of the PCB operation risk.

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  • Blaise RAVELO: Engineer from ESPA/University of Antsiranana, Master's degree and PhD from UBO, - HDR from the University of Rouen, - Professor at NUIST, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

  • Sébastien LALLÉCHÈRE: EMC Research Engineer and PhD from Blaise Pascal University, - HDR from the University of Clermont Auvergne, - SafranTech, Magny-les-Hameaux, France


To meet public needs, the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design and manufacturing industries are moving towards electronic technology with high-density implementation. Electronics are increasingly required to operate in harsh environments. Like all electrical equipment, PCBs and electronic circuits must systematically meet electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements [E 1 320][E 2 475] . Unlike other areas of engineering, EMC design of PCBs requires a basic understanding of [E 1 320] and knowledge of circuit theory and electromagnetism [E 1 315] . EMC compliance tests are developed with methodologies adapted to electrical equipment and their operating environments [E 1 315] .

However, for all types of equipment, especially PCBs, EMC testing is often costly and time-consuming. To remedy this cost, it is possible to act upstream during the design phase by developing analytical or numerical models of emissions and susceptibilities in radiated and conducted modes. As with experimental tests, there are various types of EMC models. Firstly, there are systemic models, which can be applied to relatively complex circuits. Analytical interaction models assuming conducted emissions and near-field radiation from PCBs can be considered. Conversely, the influence of EM radiation can also be modeled using analytical coupling functions with PCB elements. Conducted emission and susceptibility models of components are also solutions for equipment manufacturers. For hardware design engineers, all these different models make it possible to predict possible EMC effects before implementation....

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EMC   |   simulation   |   PCB   |   conducted emission   |   conducted susceptibility   |   signal integrity   |   analysis methodology


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Methodology for modeling the EMC and signal integrity of a mixed electronic board