This article describes a new energy recovery system, called the Power Recovery System, inspired by the Banki-Michell turbine, and the advantage of using it with pressure control valves already installed in water distribution systems. The example of a real network with a pressure control valve and a Power Recovery System arranged in series is described in order to show the advantages in terms of energy recovery and pressure control/ reduction.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Antonietta SIMONE: Doctoral student - Politecnico di Bari, Bari Italy
Orazio GIUSTOLISI: Ordinary Professor - Politecnico di Bari, Bari Italy
Over the years, most water distribution networks have been designed and sized according to the criterion of minimum construction cost, assuming increases in water demand values that have not materialized. This assumption led to the use of larger diameters than necessary, i.e., to the over-sizing of networks, leading to increasingly high pressures and levels of water loss. Over-pressurization has led to rapid deterioration of the pipes and increased operating costs for treating, transporting and pumping unused volumes of water. In addition, the considerable volume of water lost had repercussions from an economic, social and environmental point of view.
Faced with this situation, it's clear that water distribution network management strategies, especially pressure control, are today a key and indispensable element in limiting the deterioration of pipes and the total volume of losses in these systems.
Among the many technical practices aimed at controlling pressures and reducing water losses is the installation of pressure control valves (PCVs), designed to maintain a certain target pressure immediately downstream or upstream of the pipe on which they are installed, in order to reduce its pressure. These devices enable real-time control both locally and remotely. In the first case, the set pressure value does not vary over time as a function of the water flow supplied, as the controlled node is not strategic for optimum pressure control in the network. In fact, in order to maintain the fixed pressure value, the electrical regulator must control the degree of opening of the control valve. In a second case, the device regulates pressure, increasing or reducing internal leakage so as to reduce or increase pressure at the critical node, in order to achieve the set pressure value. The disadvantage of using these devices lies in the excessive energy dissipation, without recovery, that occurs in the pressure reduction phase.
To remedy this problem, several studies in recent years have looked into the possibility of using energy recovery devices (pumps as turbines (PAT), microturbines, etc.) in water distribution networks. A new device, called the Power Recovery System (PRS), inspired by Banki-Michell turbines, has been proposed.
The PRS combines optimum performance in energy production and pressure regulation. It is particularly suitable for in-line installation in existing networks, as :
the direction of the output flow lies in the plane of the rotating wheel, thus simplifying the return of the flow in the original direction of the pipe;
it does not require the additional control systems typical of other similar devices;
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water distribution | Banki-Michell turbine
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Banki-Michell PRS turbine for energy recovery and water loss reduction
Standards and norms
- Hydraulic transmissions – four-port manifolds Installation drawing - ISO 4401 - 2005
Direttiva quadro sulle acque dell'UE (WFD - 2000/60/CE)
Decreto legislativo 3 aprile 2006, n. 152, Norme in materia ambientale- (G.U. n. 88 del 14 aprile 2006)
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Documentation - Training – Seminars
International Conference on ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT (CIEM), Timisoara, Romania Supporting Design of Combined Energy Recovery and Pressure Control in a Water Distribution System in 2019. Laucelli D.B., Di Spiridione S.; Berardi L.; Simone A.; Ciliberti F.; Giustolisi O.
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