1. Current status of wastewater treatment
1.1 Standard composition of wastewater from different sources
The quantity of wastewater to be treated by wastewater treatment plants has increased significantly since the arrival of running water in the home. The average French person consumes 160 L of water a day and produces almost as much wastewater from toilet, bathroom and kitchen use, as well as from washing clothes and dishes.
Residues from these activities may be solid (suspended matter) or dissolved (ions, urea, various organic molecules, microorganisms). While organic matter comes mainly from...
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Current status of wastewater treatment
Arrêté du 21 juillet 2015 relatif aux systèmes d'assainissement collectif et aux installations d'assainissement non collectif. NOR : DEVL1429608A.
Arrêté du 18 décembre 2023 relatif aux conditions de production et d'utilisation des eaux usées traitées pour l'irrigation de cultures. NOR : TREL2314434A.
Regulation EU 2019/1009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of...
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