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Marie-José DURAND: Senior Lecturer - University of Nantes, UMR CNRS 6144 GEPEA, CBAC laboratory (La Roche-sur-Yon)
At present, paints used as antifouling agents must no longer use tributyltin as a biocide. However, the means available to control the regulations are reduced to a verification of the administrative certificate of the antifouling systems present on board the ship. We have developed a bioassay using a bioluminescent bacterium which could enable compliance with antifouling system regulations to be checked quickly and at low cost.
Since the 1960's, Tributyl (TBT)-based antifouling paints are widely applied to protect ship's hulls from biofouling. Due to its high toxicity to aquatic ecosystem, most of the countries signed the AFS convention to control the use of harmful antifouling systems on ships. Nevertheless, there is currently no simple method to control the presence of organotin in paint. In this study we propose a bioassay based on the use of a recombinant bioluminescent bacteria to detect directly in paint the presence of TBT.
Organotin, detection, bioassay, luminescence, antifouling paint.
Organotin, paint, bioluminescence, bacteria, detection.
Area: Analytical techniques
Degree of technology diffusion: Emergence | Growth | Maturity
Technologies involved: bioassay-bioluminescent bacteria
Areas of application: environment
Main French players :
Centers of expertise: UMR CNR 6144 GEPEA laboratory CBAC, University of Nantes – Institute of Genetics and Microbiology UMR 8221 – University of Paris Sud 11 – UMR CNRS 7146-LIBE, University of Metz.
Other players worldwide: A large number of laboratories and research centers are working in the field of detection using bioluminescent bacteria. The main works are listed in the bibliography.
Industrial players include Aboatox (Finland) and Vigicell (France), who offer bioluminescent bacteria for the detection of mercury and arsenic.
Many companies distribute systems for assessing overall toxicity using bioluminescent bacteria (Bionef, SDIX, Checklight Ltd., Hach-Lange).
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Detection of dibutyl and tributyltin by bacterial bioassay: application to the control of antifouling paints
Standards and norms
- Water quality – Determination of the inhibitory effect of water samples on the luminescence of Vibrio fischeri (bioluminescent bacteria assay) – Part 3: method using freeze-dried bacteria (classification index: T90-320-3) - NF EN ISO 11348-3 - 02-99
- Soil quality – Determination of selected organotin compounds – Gas chromatography method - ISO 23161 - 2009
Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (Official Journal L327 of 22/12/2000) – Annex VIII.
IMO, 2005, Antifouling Systems. International Convention on the control of harmful antifouling System on Ships. International Maritime Organization. London.
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
ABOATOX (Finland) http://www.aboatox.com/
BIONEF (Paris, France) http://www.bionef.fr/index.html
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