The European Union has implemented an harmonization policy regarding national regulations on packaging and packaging waste management; legal requirements, standards and guidelines based upon eco-design. This legislation is aimed at guaranteeing both coherent environmental protection and the correct functioning of the inner market regarding packaging. A precise definition of these packaging products is initially required in order to define accurately which products are to be submitted to such regulation. In the end, packaging manufacturers are faced with many constraints, be it in terms of reduction at source, content of hazardous substances or recovery of packaging waste.
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Sylvain MARTIN: Lawyer at the Paris Court of Appeal
The term ecodesign entered French environmental law with the "Grenelle II" law of July 12, 2010.
Long before, in 1975, the European Union had launched a policy of harmonizing national measures concerning the management of packaging and packaging waste, in order to ensure consistent environmental protection throughout the European Union and to guarantee the functioning of the European internal market for packaging: by harmonizing the environmental specifications of packaging, it is possible to prevent the customs authorities of a member state from blocking packaging at their border on the grounds that it does not comply with their national environmental rules.
The legal system applies to all packaging placed on the market in a Member State and to all packaging waste, whether used or disposed of by industry, commerce, offices, workshops, service providers, households or others, and irrespective of the materials from which it is made.
Packaging ecodesign rules are the same for all member states. However, they are free to set their own targets for the quantitative reprocessing of packaging waste thrown away by households and businesses on their territory. In 1992 and 1994, France chose different systems for managing packaging waste, depending on whether it came from households or businesses. The management of household packaging waste was entrusted to eco-organizations (Eco-Emballages being the first historically), while that of professional packaging waste was placed under the responsibility of companies; this will no longer be the case in 2025.
In legal terms, eco-design means complying with general regulatory requirements: reducing the mass and number of packaging items, developing their reusability wherever possible, and considering end-of-life recovery methods (recycling, composting or energy recovery). Six European standards are available for this purpose. They are not mandatory, but by following their technical specifications, you are legally presumed to be in compliance with regulatory requirements, and thus avoid a fine of up to 450 euros per non-compliant packaging seized by authorized agents.
Warning: the provisions of the Environment Code relating to packaging have been subject to ongoing changes since 2015, and in particular with the June 10, 2020 anti-waste and circular economy law, known as the AGEC law, which spreads the entry into force of its reforms over several years.
The references in this section of Techniques de l'ingénieur are current as of 1 er June 2021 for application as of 1 er January 2022, if they were not already...
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Packaging law and practice
- (1) - Mc DONOUGH (W.), BRAUNGART (M.) - Cradle to Cradle, Créer et recycler à l'infini, - Éditions Alternatives, Collection Manifestô (2011), 230 pages. Ouvrage un petit peu ancien mais ouvrage de référence qui préfère envisager la vie des emballages du « berceau au berceau » plutôt que du « berceau à la tombe ». Des solutions...
Standards and norms
Official European standards for the implementation of Directive 94/62 of 1er December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste:
- Packaging – Requirements for the use of European standards in the field of packaging and packaging waste (AFNOR classification index: H60-005) - NF EN 13427 - (octobre 2004)
- Packaging – Specific manufacturing and composition requirements – Prevention through source reduction (AFNOR...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
Institutional organizations
European Union website
all European laws (directives and regulations) in the "Consolidated texts" section > Search in consolidated texts "...
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