Polymeric materials are used massively in many branches of industry. However, they burn easily because they carry a large combustible load. It is thus necessary to improve their fire behavior by adding fire-retarding compounds called flame retardants, the aim being to neutralize or delay combustion, and reduce smoke emission. After recalling the principal methods of synthesis of polymers, most of this article is devoted to the combustion of the polymers, in which the various processes concerned are detailed. Lastly the strategies for fire retardancy of these materials and the mechanisms of action of flame retardants are presented.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Christelle VAGNER: Senior Lecturer, Doctor of Chemistry-Physics - Photonic Optical Materials and Systems Laboratory EA 4423 - University of Lorraine/CentraleSupélec - MADIREL Laboratory UMR 7246, Aix Marseille University, Marseille, France
Marianne COCHEZ: Senior Lecturer, Doctor of Materials Chemistry - Photonic Optical Materials and Systems Laboratory EA 4423 - University of Lorraine/CentraleSupélec, Metz, France
Henri VAHABI: Senior Lecturer, Doctor of Chemistry and Physics-Chemistry of Materials - Photonic Optical Materials and Systems Laboratory EA 4423 - University of Lorraine/CentraleSupélec, Metz, France
Michel FERRIOL: University Professor, Doctor of Science - Photonic Optical Materials and Systems Laboratory EA 4423 - University of Lorraine/CentraleSupélec, Metz, France
Polymeric materials have invaded our daily lives, but they are also increasingly used in high-tech applications (automotive, aeronautics, sporting goods, etc.). With their high carbon and hydrogen content, they are particularly combustible materials. In addition to direct damage to property, health and human life, fires can have significant repercussions in terms of sustainable development (total or partial destruction of infrastructures) and the environment (production and dissemination of toxic and/or corrosive compounds: carbon monoxide, dioxins, hydrogen cyanide, polycyclic aromatic compounds, etc.).
The aim of this article is to introduce engineers and technicians with a basic knowledge of chemistry to the various processes and mechanisms involved in the thermal decomposition and combustion of polymers, as well as the main solutions developed to provide them with enhanced fire resistance and, in the event of fire, better protection for people and property. The wide variety of polymeric materials used (copolymers, presence of additives or reinforcements, etc.) in terms of composition or form (fibers, foams, films, solids, etc.) means that it is not possible to develop universal solutions, and that each case requires specific adaptation and fine-tuning. That's why it's essential to understand all the chemical aspects of the issue and, in particular, the synthesis of these materials, which gives them such remarkable combinations of properties.
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polymers | flame retardants | ignifugation | thermal decomposition
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Polymer combustion chemistry and flame retardancy
Rockwool Group
Market research website
Flame retardants-online
The FRPM (Fire Retardancy and Protection of Materials) Congress is held every two years in Europe.
The MoDeSt (Modification, Degradation and Stabilization on Polymers) conference is held every two years in Europe.
[ http://www.modest-society.org/ ]
The Eurofillers...
Standards and norms
ASTM E176-10 "Standard terminology of fire standards", Annual book of ASTM Standards, vol 4.07, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA
ISO 5660 2015 Reaction to fire testing – Heat output, smoke development rate and mass loss rate
NF EN ISO 4589 1996 Plastics - Determination of fire behavior by oxygen index (NF T 51071)
– Société Chimique de France "Degradation and fire behavior of organic materials" group
– PINFA: association of non-halogenated flame retardant manufacturers and users.
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