The finite volume method is used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. The paper is divided into two distinct parts. The first part presents the discretization method for solving the diffusion and convection-diffusion problems 1D, 2D and 3D on structured and unstructured grids as well as the semi-discretization in time to solve the heat equation to then lead to explicit and implicit schemes. The second part presents the solution of the target equations by the finite volume method. In fact, this is equivalent to solve diffusion equations coupled to convection-diffusion equations; using the results of the first part, various algorithms are presented and compared between them.
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Pierre SPITERI: Professor Emeritus - University of Toulouse, INP – ENSEEIHT - IRIT, Toulouse, France
In this series of articles devoted to the numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations, we present several methods of resolution based on different types of discretization methods for partial differential equations. We have already presented :
on the one hand, the finite-difference method, where derivatives are replaced by differential quotients
; this method corresponds to the expression of a balance of the quantities represented by the physical model at each point of the mesh;[AF 1 404] on the other hand, the finite element method
where, after having given an equivalent formulation of the problem via Green's formula in an appropriate space of test functions, which corresponds roughly to an extension of the generalized integration by parts formula (or, more generally, to the use of derivation in the sense of distributions) and leads to the application of the principle of virtual work, the solution is decomposed into a finite basis that is well adapted numerically; this is equivalent to projecting the exact solution of an infinite-dimensional space onto a finite-dimensional space[AF 1 407] [AF 503] [AF 504] ; this finite-element method has the advantage...[AF 505]
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behavior of a fluid | formulation velocity-pressure | staggered grids | structured grids | heat equation
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Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations using the finite volume method
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