Article | REF: AF1407 V1

Numerical Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations by the Finite Element Method

Author: Pierre SPITERI

Publication date: December 10, 2022

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The finite element method is used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. This method is very well adapted to the approximation of the equations governing the behavior of fluids and can also provide an approximation of the domains of definition of the equations to be solved, in particular for the consideration of curved boundaries. The solution of these equations with various boundary conditions and with various admissible finite elements is presented. Results for error maximization are given. Several different methods for solving discretized systems are presented. Finally, some applications as well as finite element codes compared to finite volume codes are given and criteria for the choice of industrial codes are identified.

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  • Pierre SPITERI: Professor Emeritus - University of Toulouse, INP – ENSEEIHT – IRIT, Toulouse, France


In the article [AF 1 404] we presented the methodological concepts leading to Navier-Stokes equation modeling of incompressible or compressible, laminar or turbulent fluid flow phenomena. To numerically solve these finite-difference equations, we considered, on the one hand, the current-vorticity formulation, which leads to the resolution of Poisson equations coupled to convection-diffusion equations, and, on the other hand, the velocity-pressure formulation. However, the finite-difference approximation of boundary problems is interesting when the domain Ω is rectangular in shape, but difficult to implement when Ω is of any shape. For this reason, the finite element method is preferred in industry, as it can be used to approximate both the partial differential operators and the domain Ω. We also saw in the article [AF 1 406] the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations by the finite volume method.

For reasons of simplicity of exposition, we shall restrict ourselves in this article to the case of stationary two-dimensional problems; usually we discretize the derivatives with respect to time by finite differences to arrive at either explicit or implicit time schemes, then use the finite element method to spatially discretize the semi-discretized time problem. Whether it's one or the other, the crucial point is the spatial approximation of the operators. Finite element time discretization will also be discussed.

Given the complexity of the finite element approximation of the target problem, we will initially restrict ourselves to the finite element approximation of the linear Stokes problem, corresponding to the Navier-Stokes equations without the nonlinear convection term. Furthermore, to simplify the presentation, we will assume that the boundary conditions are of the homogeneous Dirichlet type, i.e. that U=(u,v)...

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behavior of a fluid   |   admissible finite elements   |   industrial codes   |   curved boundaries

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Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations using the finite element method