The term permeable reactive barrier (PRB) in reality combines many different in-situ, on-site and off-site treatment methods. These methods are able to control the spread of pollution on a contaminated site. After a brief outline of the current situation and a summary of possible PRB configurations, the different method types are described in this article. The manufacture of PRBs, specific treatments for materials, designing permeable reactive barriers, monitoring performance and maintenance, the eventual decommissioning as well as the choice of a PRB solution are all discussed.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Annette ESNAULT-FILET: Environment" Project Manager Solétanche-Bachy
Bertrand SOYEZ: Deputy Head of Civil Engineering Mission - Department of Research and Scientific and Technical Promotion - Ministry of Transport, Public Works, Tourism and the Sea
Rehabilitation techniques generally fall into four broad categories.
They include off-site, on-site and in-situ treatment techniques –, including physico-chemical, thermal and biological processes – and containment.
Among in situ treatment methods, there are technologies that can both control polluted underground flows and treat them in the very soil through which they pass.
These methods, commonly referred to as permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), are the subject of this dossier.
For further information, please refer to the document "État de l'art sur les barrières perméables réactives (BPR). Achievements, experiences, decision-making criteria and prospects" .
In the Techniques de l'Ingénieur collection, containment is the subject of the booklet , which must be read to understand this text.
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Reactive permeable barriers
- (1) - TOUZÉ (S.), CHARTIER (R.), GABORIAU (H.) - État de l'art sur les barrières perméables réactives (BPR). Réalisations, expériences, critères décisionnels et perspectives. - RECORD/BRGM, 167 p. http://www.record-net.org/record/download.php ...
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