1. Context
Very short rotation coppice (VSCR) is a perennial woody crop used for energy purposes (biomass boilers and secure supply) or for purification (VSCR plantations to protect the natural environment, whether for surface aquatic systems or drinking water catchment areas).
Various species are available, including willow, poplar, locust and eucalyptus. The term "very short rotation" is linked to the frequency of harvesting, which takes place every 2-3 years over a period of 15-20 years (compared with "short rotation" coppice, which is harvested every 6-10 years). In most cases, the TTCR is planted on agricultural land that is little or poorly valorized, in order to produce wood energy (based on expected annual production of 8 to 10 t MS/ha/year) and reduce the workload.
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