The management of landfill and treated effluent from buried waste degradation is regulated by the ministerial decree of the 15th of February 2016. In a situation with zero environmental release of treated effluent, slow rotation coppice (SRC) plantations could offer a solution for the in situ discharge of treated effluent. This article presents the methodology and recommended good practices for managing an SRC plantation on marginal land such as a landfill site.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Céline BRUYÈRE: Agronomy researcher - Veolia Research and Innovation (VERI), Limay (78), France
Alain BERTHELOT: Forestry engineer - FCBA, North-East Territorial Delegation, Charrey-sur-Saône (21), France
The management of non-hazardous waste storage facilities (ISDND) involves the management of leachates resulting from the degradation of buried waste. The operator is obliged to collect and treat these leachates, whether or not discharge into the natural environment is authorized, while complying with the regulatory limit values set out in the ministerial order of 2016 (at a minimum, the criteria in appendix 3 of the amended ministerial order of September 9, 1997, reproduced in appendix 1 of the order of February 15, 2016) and in the prefectoral order authorizing site operation. When discharge into the natural environment is not authorized (prohibition of discharge into watercourses in certain regions of France) or impossible (absence of watercourses nearby), plantations of TTCR (very short rotation coppice) can be a solution for evacuating treated leachates in situ instead of treating raw leachates ex situ.
The environmental objectives of a project to irrigate TTCR with treated ISDND leachate are to :
– Reduce or eliminate the flow of treated leachate outside the site perimeter;
– develop energy crops such as TTCR used for biomass production on marginal soil;
– develop the ISDND site, a marginal soil of low fertility ;
– improve the site's integration into the landscape.
This article summarizes all the information from the four-year R&I project (conducted by Veolia Research and Innovation – VERI, in collaboration with the FCBA (Forêt Cellulose Bois Construction Ameublement) technological institute) useful for the establishment and operation of TTCR on ISDND sites. It explains how to set up and manage a TTCR plantation on a marginal ISDND site. It also gives recommendations on the technical itinerary for TTCR (from soil preparation to harvesting).
Key points
Field: waste management and environment
Degree of technology diffusion: emergence
Technologies involved: irrigation, in situ leachate treatment, agricultural practices
Applications: leachate management, agronomy, biomass energy recovery, landscape integration
Main French players :
Competence centers: FCBA (Forêt Cellulose Bois-construction Ameublement technological institute), INRA (Institut national de la recherche agronomique), Caahmro (irrigation specialist)
Contact: [email protected] ; veolia.com
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methodology | SRC | landfill | setting up | management | energy crops
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