1. Motivations for a CSR approach
1.1 From sustainable development to CSR
1.1.1 The origins of sustainable development and corporate involvement
The gradual realization over the last fifty years of the limits to economic and demographic growth linked to the finite nature of resources, has led world organizations to envisage new paths to growth through sustainable development, to ensure the future of the planet. These are based on temporal solidarity between present and future generations, spatial solidarity between countries in the North and South,...
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Motivations for a CSR approach
Books – articles and theses
- (1) - ACFCI - La prise en compte du développement durable et de la responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise par les PME/PMI. - Enquête, 4 p. (2006) (document téléchargeable sur le site http://www.acfci.cci.fr )....
• Ademe French Environment and Energy Management Agency http://www2.ademe.fr
• AFAQ 1000NR – Thematic site https://www.apacom.fr/lafaq-1000-nr/
Standards and norms
- AFNOR SD 21 000 application document – Guide to identifying and prioritizing sustainable development issues - FD X 30-023 AFNOR - 04-06
- AFNOR Normalisation. Lignes directrices relatives à la responsabilité sociétale. Traduction française de la version - ISO/CD 26000 - 12-08
Documentation – Training – Seminars
MINEFI DiGiTip seminar – Ernst & Young. Développement durable, sensibilisation à destination des entreprises. Paris 2002.
FAR/MFQ Sustainable Development Application Assistant seminar. Getting to grips with the "FAR/DD method". GT FAR IQM/DD January 5, 2006 Paris.
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