
Focal planes are characterization techniques for IR focal plane array sensors. At this time, various detection means (thermal or quantum) are available for designers of infrared systems. The aim of this article is to assist in the choice of the various components placed on the market. The assessment of the electro-optical performances of these sensors is necessary and allows for providing information on a sensor model. The electro-optical characterization techniques of IR focal plane sensors are then presented at large (material, determination of the operating point, measurement of the spatial response, etc.).
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Nicolas GUÉRINEAU: Supoptique engineer, doctorate in physics - Researcher at ONERA
Riad HAIDAR: Supoptique engineer, doctorate in physics - Researcher at ONERA
Sylvie BERNHARDT: Supoptique engineer, doctorate in physics - Researcher at ONERA
Isabelle RIBET-MOHAMED: Supoptique engineer, doctorate in physics - Researcher at ONERA
Marcel CAES: Doctor of Physics - Researcher at ONERA
This dossier covers techniques for characterizing matrix infrared detectors, known as infrared focal planes. Over the past decade, infrared detector technologies have made steady progress, and have now reached industrial maturity, enabling the production of large formats (320 × 240 pixels, 640 × 512 pixels) at increasingly affordable prices. Today, infrared system designers have a choice of detection methods (thermal or quantum).
In the first part of this dossier, aimed primarily at engineers who need to design an infrared system, we present a state-of-the-art overview of these technologies. For a given application, the designer has to choose between different components on the market. To do this, it is necessary to evaluate the electro-optical performance of these detectors. For this evaluation phase, the manufacturer's commercial or published data may suffice. However, it is essential to compile this information in order to compare the performance of the various candidates against the performance levels required by the application. We'll see that this compilation phase consists of filling in a "sensor model". Once populated, this model can be used to predict sensor performance for specific operating conditions (flux levels, integration time, spectral bandwidth, etc.). The sensor model for the main detection methods (thermal or quantum) is presented.
The second part is dedicated to electro-optical characterization techniques for infrared focal planes, and is aimed at all experimenters, whether users, experts or technologists. For the user, the characterization phase enables the sensor model to be recalibrated by means of a few test points, in order to check that the sensor is working properly and that it is delivering the performance claimed by the manufacturer.
For the expert, electro-optical characterization is a demanding job, requiring the establishment of measurement protocols, the acquisition of calibrated test benches, the development of dedicated measurement electronics and the processing of voluminous experimental data. In fact, an infrared focal plane samples a scene in several dimensions (spatial, radiometric, temporal and spectral) with associated resolutions that need to be evaluated, for conditions of use that change with the application. For the technologist, the challenge is to develop prototypes of complex, extreme-performance detectors (megapixel or multispectral arrays, etc.). In this case, fine characterizations are very useful, enabling technological parameters to be restored from the final component.
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Electro-optical characterization of IR focal plane detectors
- Thermographie infrarouge. Vocabulaire relatif à la caractérisation de l'appareillage. Décembre 1991. - NF A 09-400 -
- Thermographie infrarouge. Caractérisation de l'appareillage. Avril 1993. - NF A 09-420 -
- Thermographie infrarouge. Méthodes de caractérisation de l'appareillage. Décembre 1994. - NF A 09-421 -
- Vocabulaire international des termes fondamentaux et généraux de métrologie. Décembre 1994. -...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors
(non-exhaustive list)
French manufacturers of IR focal planes
French laboratories
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