3. Monitoring methods
The quality assurance models defined by the ISO/IEC 9000 series of standards are leading to new requirements. Acceptance tests and periodic checks need to be supplemented by more continuous monitoring methods.
ISO 10012-1 "Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment" leads to the following constraint:
If, during a verification, the company finds that a measuring instrument is not delivering correct results, all measurements taken since the last verification must be analyzed and the necessary actions taken (corrections, repeat measurements, etc.).
This requirement can have significant technical and financial consequences.
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Monitoring methods
- - http://www.sudoc.abes.fr
- BACHMANN (J.) - Contribution à la propagation des incertitudes dans les gammes de mesure des machines à mesurer par coordonnées. - Université d'Aix-Marseille 2. Faculté des Sciences...
AFNOR Association Française de Normalisation
- Méthodes de mesurage dimensionnel. Deuxième partie. Écarts de rectitude - NF E 10-101 - 2.88
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(Non-exhaustive list)
Laboratoire National d'Essais LNE - http://www.lne.fr/
Koba (distributed by Blet - http://www.blet-mesure.fr )
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