2. Spectral properties of materials
2.1 Preamble
When an atom or molecule interacts with an incident electromagnetic wave of wavelength λ = 1/ν where ν is the wavenumber, quantum mechanics tells us that the atom or molecule absorbs the incident radiation by passing from an energy level E 1 , associated with state 1, to an energy level E 2 , associated with state 2, only if the tuning condition is satisfied :
Energy levels of the order of a few eV correspond to wavelengths...
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Spectral properties of materials
Software tools
Radiation transfer code for the Earth-atmosphere system (for a fee) : MODTRAN (MODerate resolution atmospheric TRANsmission) http://modtran.spectral.com
Earth-Atmosphere System Radiative Transfer Code (free of charge, distribution subject to authorization): MATISSE-V3.0
Spectral database :
Database of spectra of minerals, vegetation, artificial materials (ASTER, ECOSTRESS) http://www.speclib.jpl.nasa.gov/
Memoires, thermo-optical database http://www.onera.fr
Optical sheet properties...
SFPT Annual Congress Hyperspectral Group http://www.sfpt.fr
European spectro-imaging congress (every 2 years): EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
SPECIM, hyperspectral cameras http://www.specim.fi/
Norsk Elektro Optikk, hyperspectral cameras http://www.hyspex.no/
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