Terahertz electromagnetic waves have aroused the curiosity and enthusiasm of scientists and industrialists as they allow for a chemical analysis of materials in surface and volume. Complementary to existing technologies, terahertz spectral imaging presents a considerable potential for applications in the fields of biology, safety and the environment, for instance. This article recalls the fundamentals, limitations and latest evolutions in this rapidly developing field.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Patrick MOUNAIX: CNRS research fellow at the Center for Optical and Hertzian Molecular Physics (CPMOH UMR 5798) in Talence (33)
Field: Imaging and analysis techniques
Degree of technology diffusion: Emergence | Growth | Maturity
Technologies involved: Optics, electronics, optronics, image processing
Applications: Biology, environment, safety
Main French players :
Competitiveness cluster: Route des Lasers' (Aquitaine)
Competence centers :
Center de Physique Moléculaire Optique et Hertzienne CPMOH (CNRS) ;
Alphanov Technology Center ;
ARMIR Association pour le Rayonnement, les Mesures et l'Imagerie Rapide, which includes the "Teranaute" club;
GDR Européen TÉRAHERTZ "Détecteurs et Émetteurs de Radiations Térahertz à Semi-conducteurs" (GDR CNRS 2897).
Manufacturers: I2S
Other global players: Nikon, Picometrix, Toptica Photonics, GigaOptics...
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Terahertz spectro-imaging
Articles and reviews
Teranaute http://www.armir.fr
Terahertz imaging http://www.alphanov.fr
Research laboratories http://www.rpi.edu/~zhangxc/
5th Terahertz Days – June 10-12, 2009 – Villeneuve d'Ascq http://www.armir.fr/index.php?option=com_content=article=53=93
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