
This article details the analytical procedures applied to secondary ion mass spectrometry and the performance that can be reached, depending on the nature of the spectrometer (magnetic deflection or time of flight) and on the primary ion source. The presentation follows a simple-to-complex logical scheme: secondary ion mass spectra acquisition for qualitative identification, possible quantitative analysis, extreme surface investigation, depth profiling, isotope analysis applications, description of the existing phases and compounds, developments of imaging techniques and 3D treatment. Examples often derived from industrial applications illustrate the text.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Evelyne DARQUE-CERETTI: Doctor of Science, Senior Researcher at MINES Paristech, PSL – Research University - Group leader, Centre de mise en forme des matériaux (CEMEF), Sophia-Antipolis, France
Marc AUCOUTURIER: Former CNRS research director - Researcher at the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France (C2RMF), Paris
Patrice LEHUÉDÉ: Former engineer at Saint-Gobain Research Center - Researcher at the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France (C2RMF), Paris
This article presents an overview of the analytical procedures used in SIMS (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry), depending on the intended application, as well as a number of applications, particularly in the industrial field. The fact that secondary ion emission from solid materials cannot be described quantitatively by a complete theory, the diversity of possible analytical applications, and the existence of artifacts specific to each procedure or each category of material make it impossible to state universal procedures. Recent developments in time-of-flight equipment (ToF-SIMS) and two- and three-dimensional imaging means that procedures must be adapted to the type of result sought. This is why the plan adopted here follows a logic based on an increasingly complete application of the method. For each category of analysis and/or equipment, the desired performance, foreseeable limitations and best procedures are summarized and illustrated by concrete examples. The order adopted is from the simplest to the most complex, starting with simple qualitative mass spectrometry and then moving on to the more elaborate procedures of quantitative analysis, extreme surface analysis, in-depth analytical profiling, isotopic analysis, application to phase analysis, and ending with a section devoted to the developments in imaging and three-dimensional analysis made possible by the most recent technical developments. The performances and methods described for one procedure are almost all to be taken into account for the procedures described thereafter.
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Secondary ion mass spectrometry: SIMS and ToF-SIMS
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SRIM The Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter http://www.srim.org
CAMECA user meetings http://www.cameca.comhttp://www.ametekmaterialsanalysis.com
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