Article | REF: P1206 V1

Differential scanning calorimetry with modulated temperature (TMDSC)

Authors: Jean GRENET, Bernard LEGENDRE

Publication date: March 10, 2011, Review date: September 13, 2019

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This article firstly presents the basis of the differential scanning calorimetry with sinusoidally modulated temperature (TMDSC). It details the various signals registered during experiment (excitement, calorimetric response) as well as the various magnitudes (invertible or non-invertible flux, thermal capacity) derived from the deconvolution of these registered signals. It also deals with certain method issues (phase correction, influence of frequency) and presents some examples illustrating the expected advantages of this method as well as related calorimetric methods (Step-Scan® et TOPEM®).

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  • Jean GRENET: Professor Emeritus - LECAP Laboratory EA 4528, Institute for Material Research FED 4114, University of Rouen

  • Bernard LEGENDRE: Professor Emeritus - Materials and Health Laboratory, EA 401, Faculty of Pharmacy Paris 11


As early as the beginning of the 20th century, researchers came up with the idea of using a non-linear variation in temperature for the duration of the calorimetric analysis. This idea was supported by the desire to be close to equilibrium, or to separate phenomena whose kinetics may be similar. The current answer to these concerns is provided by temperature-modulated DSC.

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Differential Scanning Calorimetry with Modulated Temperature (DSC-TM)