This article concerns the prevention of electric shock in the design of low-voltage electrical installations. The risks incurred are direct contacts with bare live conductive parts in normal operation and indirect contacts with metal parts that become live in the course of incidents. The risks resulting from an electric arc must be also considered. Electrical installation standards define the means to be implemented to ensure the protection of persons and pets against such risks.
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Christian ATLANI: Engineer, member of the GIMELEC association of electrical equipment, control and associated services industries - Member of AFNOR's U 21 and UF 78 commissions - Member of the CENELEC BTTF 62-3 committee - Former leader of the working group responsible for revising UTE C 18-510, UTE (Union technique de l'électricité) Commission U 21. - Former General Rapporteur of the Live Working Committee
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This article sets out the rules for the construction and installation of electrical works and installations.
Technical improvements to equipment and installations have always been linked to raising the level of safety right from the design stage. We'll be looking at the importance of French, European and international standards in this field.
France benefits from a comprehensive regulatory framework – some would say too complex –, implementing regulations well adapted to different uses, and equipment quality guaranteed by standards. Many of these regulations are now included in the French Labor Code. Protective equipment for electrical installations benefits from all the progress made in research, which remains important in this field.
Accident prevention at the construction stage does not require very expensive resources. Rational plant design ensures the protection of both people and property, and in particular against fire hazards.
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The three...
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low voltage | electric installation standards | electrical arc | electrical installation
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Preventing electrical accidents
Standards and norms
- Technical requirements for electrical power distribution – Technical order of May 17, 2001 illustrated - UTE C 11-001 - 08-01
- High-voltage electrical installations – practical guide – determining conductor cross-sections and selecting protective devices - UTE C 13-205 - 07-94
- Installations électriques à basse tension - UTE C 15-105 - 07-03
- Guide pratique. Sections des conducteurs de protection,...
Directive 9/391/EEC of June 12, 1989 on the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers.
Directive 89/654/EEC of November 30, 1989, concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the workplace.
Directive 89/656/EEC of November 30, 1989, on the minimum health and safety requirements for the use by workers of personal protective...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
Union technique de l'électricité et de la communication UTE http://www.ute-fr.com
French Standards Association, AFNOR http://www.afnor.fr
At the end of 2017, the merger between...
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