1. The terminal and its functions
The terminal's functions derive from its position in the airport system, as described in the introduction (figure 1 ).
As the interface between...
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The terminal and its functions
IATA (Twitter page)
IATA website (Trade Association Serving the Airline industry)
Passenger Terminal Expo
Salon International de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace SIAE
Standards and norms
Recommendations issued by the ICAO, grouped in 19 annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation – Annex 17: Security / Protection of international civil aviation against acts of unlawful interference.
Interministerial decree of 1 September 2003 concerning air transport security infrastructures, equipment and training, as well as certain terms and conditions for accreditation as an authorized agent, a known shipper, a known establishment or a technical organization.
Interministerial decree of November 12, 2003 on air transport security measures.
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO
International Air Transport Association IATA
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