Due to a regulation passed in 2003, the French State has established the extended producer responsibility (EPR) under which terms each and every producer who introduces tyres into the French market has to finance and organise their collection and valorization. The implementation of this regulation has marked a significant change in the management of waste tyres in France and has thus generated an overall and specific organisation for this new sector. Six years on, Aliapur, the main eco-organization responsible for such management, offered a very positive review regarding the achievement of such valorization, the professionalization of the sector and the quality of the products derived from non-reusable waste tyres.
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Éric FABIEW: General Manager, Aliapur
Prior to the introduction, at the end of 2003, of producer responsibility for the collection and recovery of used tires, the last remaining tire holders - usually garages or scrap yards - had to bear the responsibility and cost of these operations. They then called on the players of their choice, the vast majority of which were small-scale structures, to carry out these operations.
However, these players, who are numerous and highly competitive, have been unable to establish themselves as trusted partners for potential end-users, due to their inability to offer secure products, whether in terms of quantity, quality or regularity of supply.
Faced with a lack of recovery solutions, the high cost of existing solutions and financial fragility, many operators were no longer able to meet their disposal obligations, and had to cease operations even though they had collected tires without managing to find recovery outlets for them.
This situation led directly to the emergence of unauthorized dumps, known as "historic stocks" or "orphan stocks", with the corollary of health nuisances for neighboring populations due to the increased risk of proliferation of mosquitoes, rodents and reptiles. In addition, these stocks were liable to cause pollution in the event of fire, due to the release of smoke and the migration of contaminated extinguishing water into surface or ground water.
To remedy this worrying situation, the French government has introduced Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), requiring all those who place tires on the French market to finance and organize their collection and recovery.
This article describes the overall organization of the used tire industry in France since the introduction of EPR, its main players and their roles. The vision, positioning and organization of the main eco-organization responsible for implementing producers' obligations, Aliapur, which is responsible for collecting almost 75% of all waste, will be examined in greater detail, given the stakes involved and the lessons that can be learned from its choices.
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The industrialization of an industry, the creation of a profession: the case of used tire recycling in France
ADEME, À chaque déchet des solutions – Used tires :
https://www.ademe.fr/ (page consulted on July 5, 2011)
ALIAPUR, R&D Valorisation :
https://aliapur.fr/fr/ (page consulted on July 8, 2011)
Standards and norms
- Détermination de la granulométrie des granulats issus de pneus usagés non réutilisables. Méthode basée sur le tamisage mécanique des produits. - XP T47-752 AFNOR - 2007
- Détermination du format des produits issus du broyage primaire. Méthode basée sur la mesure automatisée de la plus grande longueur projetée. - XP T47-753 AFNOR - 2007
- Détermination du taux de fils métalliques ferreux dans les granulats issus...
French Environment Code, articles R 543-137 to R 543-152 (consolidated version July 18, 2011).
Arrêté du 8 décembre 2003 relatif à la collecte des pneumatiques usagés (JORF n° 294 du 20 décembre 2003, page 21825). [NOR: DEVP0320406A].
Arrêté du 23 juillet 2004 relatif à la communication d'informations relatives à la mise sur le marché et l'élimination des pneumatiques (JORF...
Method of determining at least one format characteristic of a tire fragment, and method of examining a sample of tire fragments (Visiopur) FR2903182 (A1).
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
French Association of Tire Importers (AFIP)
Aliapur, the main collective body for the used tire industry:
Association pour le recyclage des déchets de l'automobile de Guyane (ARDAG) :
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