
Metabolic engineering is a key discipline to improving microalgae productivity and cost-effectiveness. It requires genome engineering tools whose development was delayed in comparison to conventional industrial hosts (yeasts, bacteria). This article describes recent advances in microalgae genome engineering and genome editing, which pave the way to a better biological understanding of these fascinating organisms as well as a remarkable capacity to rewire metabolism for industrial purposes.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Gilles DEFREL: Doctoral student INSA Laboratoire d'ingénierie des systèmes biologiques et des procédés (LISBP), Toulouse, France
Fayza DABOUSSI: Research Director INRA Laboratoire d'ingénierie des systèmes biologiques et des procédés (LISBP), Toulouse, France
Microalgae represent the first lung of our planet, capable of producing two-thirds of atmospheric oxygen. The second lung, made up of terrestrial forests, produces the remaining third. As the first link in the aquatic food chain and a key player in biogeochemical cycles, microalgae play a fundamental role in the biosphere. This article deals with microalgae, which we refer to as unicellular or undifferentiated multicellular photosynthetic eukaryotic microorganisms, excluding cyanobacteria, which are photosynthetic prokaryotic organisms.
Microalgae are a highly diverse group in terms of evolution (primary and/or secondary endosymbiosis), trophic mode (autotrophic and mixotrophic) and metabolism. They are veritable cellular factories capable of producing complex molecules such as lipids, proteins, polysaccharides, vitamins and pigments via photosynthesis, a redox reaction catalyzed by light energy to convert carbon dioxide into simple sugars and oxygen. Despite these exceptional physiological and metabolic properties, microalgae remain little exploited by industry, due to technological barriers that prevent them from being used reliably, efficiently and competitively. Increasing their productivity is therefore a major challenge. While process engineers optimize cultivation conditions to increase the production of a specific compound, geneticists propose modifying their genetic make-up to enable the production of natural and/or artificial compounds. Genetic engineering is an essential component of industrial biotechnology. Although microalgae were developed at a late stage compared with conventional industrial chassis (yeast, bacteria), the effort invested in developing engineering tools and methods in microalgae is now enabling them to compete with the latter.
In this article, we describe the evolution of microalgae genetic engineering since 1988, and its use to modify both quantitatively and qualitatively the content of natural compounds (lipids, carotenoids). We will also highlight their capacity to produce high value-added molecules (vaccines, hormones, terpenes, etc.).
Field: Genetic engineering of microalgae
Degree of technology diffusion: Growth
Technologies involved: overexpression, gene silencing, genome editing
Applications: Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, energy, green chemistry
Main French players :
CEA Cadarache, Institute of Physo-chemical Biology (IBPC), Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Systèmes Biologiques et des Procédés (LISBP), Alganelle, Ifremer, Commissariat à l'énergie atomique (CEA, Grenoble Cadarache), École normale supérieure (ENS)
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Metabolic engineering | microalgae | genome engineering | cell factories | legislation
Home Innovations Technological innovations Microalgae genome modification for the production of molecules of interest
Home Food–Chem–Bio industry processes Bioprocesses and bioproductions Microalgae genome modification for the production of molecules of interest
Home Food–Chem–Bio industry processes Green chemistry Microalgae genome modification for the production of molecules of interest
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Microalgae genome modification for the production of molecules of interest
Déinove, "Carotenoid market", 2015 : http://www.deinove.com/fr/profil/strategie-et-marches/marche-carotenoides
"Barrel price – The official oil price", December 2018 : https://prixdubaril.com
Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of March 12, 2001 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and repealing Council Directive 90/220/EEC.
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