This article endeavors to reveal the implicit, pre-reflective and still widely undiscovered know-how involved in technical invention by eliciting the lived experience of working inventors (“elicitation interviews”). After a preamble, the second part describes the context and the approach of the study. The following two parts present the technical invention process our study enabled us to model, in both its macro and micro-dimensions. The fifth part summarizes the inventor’s main know-how that was identified, and suggests lines of research. The last part looks at the educational benefits of these results.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Anne REMILLIEUX: Post-doctoral researcher in cognitive sciences - Institut Mines-Télécom, Évry/Paris, France
Field: Technical invention, creativity, "first-person" cognitive science
Degree of technology diffusion: Emergence | Growth | Maturity
Technologies involved: Explanatory interview techniques
Areas of application: Training
Main French players :
– Institut Mines-Télécom: Télécom ParisTech (Paris) – Département Sciences Économiques et Sociales ; Télécom École de Management (Évry) – Département Langues et Sciences Humaines
– Archives Husserl École Normale Supérieure (Paris)
– GREX (Groupe de recherche en explicitation)
– Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory (Aix-Marseille University), Dynamics of auditory and motor learning team
– Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, Brain Dynamics and Cognition team
– Laboratoire Interactions Corpus Apprentissages Interactions (Université Lyon 2 / ENS de Lyon)
Contact: [email protected]
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creativity | Pre-reflective cognitive processes | tacite knowledge | lived experience | genesis of an idea | technical invention
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Technical invention and the creative process: clarification and modeling
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