2. Continuous galvanizing of sheet metal
Continuous galvanizing (and aluminizing) of sheet metal is described in the article Continuous galvanizing and aluminizing. . This presentation will therefore focus on product rather than process aspects.
2.1 General presentation
A rather traditional continuous-coating technology with applications in the building market (e.g. cladding and roofing), its progress has enabled the development of galvanized sheet metal with a regularity and quality of appearance that makes it suitable for use in the automotive and household appliance sectors.
The technical features of this process are, firstly, that it is continuous and, secondly, that it can couple several operations in the same industrial line, in a highly automated way....
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Continuous galvanizing of sheet metal
Economic data
Annual world zinc production is 9 Mt, of which more than 50% is devoted to steel production (growth of around 3% per year).
There are 550 continuous galvanizing lines worldwide, producing 70 Mt of coated steel.
In Europe, automotive consumption will reach 8 Mt in 2005.
In Europe, 1.7 Mt/year...
- - Voir Recueils des Présentations aux Congrès Galvatech de 1989 (Tokyo), 1992 (Amsterdam), 1995 (Chicago), 1998 (Tokyo), 2001 (Bruxelles), 2004 (Chicago) et Intergalva : http://www.egga.com
- - http://www.sudoc.abes.fr
- AMANI (S.) - Étude par électrochimie et par émission acoustique du décollement de couches de galvanisation sous protection cathodique - . Metz 2000.
- ...
Tables A and B give the minimum weights and coating thicknesses according to NF EN ISO 1461, and the corrosion categories according to NF ISO 14713.
Centre Français de l'Anticorrosion (CEFRACOR) : http://www.cefracor.org
European Galvanizers Association (EGGA) : http://www.egga.com
Galvazinc Association : http://www.galvazinc.com
...Manufacturers. Manufacturers
See the sites : http://www.galvazinc.frhttp://www.iza.comhttp://www.egga.com
Main zinc suppliers :
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